The Alsip Chamber of Commerce is…

a business organization.

The Alsip Chamber offers educational workshops to businesses on a regular basis, helps support a scholarship program for Alsip students, works to attract and retain business in Alsip. We offer assistance to new and existing business about local and state incentives. We forward leads and opportunities to bid on various items to our members thru our Alsip First Program.

We recognize property owners who make an extra effort to improve the image of Alsip by maintaining their property in an exceptional manner. The Chamber offers assistance to new businesses and advice and resources for helping their business grow. The Chamber answers questions daily about businesses in Alsip, requests for business referrals, and once in a while a complaint about a local business. “If people don’t know where to find it, they call the Chamber, usually we know, but if we don’t we are usually able to direct the inquiry to the proper place for an answer.