Member Benefits

Pack the most value into your Chamber membership by taking advantage of the opportunities we offer. The Chamber is all about member success.

Free Listing on the Chambers Web site – Your business will be listed in a searchable members directory with a link to your business Web site.

Listing in the Chambers Members Directory – The Chamber publishes an annual directory which lists all the businesses in Alsip. We publish a community map and community guide. These publications help promote the image of Alsip to prospective businesses.

Business Referrals – The Chamber receives inquiries for products and services on a daily basis. These questions are answered by supplying the names of our members who offer those products or services. In addition we receive daily calls from companies asking if a particular company is a chamber member when they are choosing to do business with a new source.

“Alsip First” the Chamber receives opportunities to bid local work from various sources. We refer these bid opportunities to members who work in the category of the bid opportunity.

Build Your Business – Make the most out of your membership by attending the wide variety of events we hold for our Members.

Sites Available – The chamber maintains a listing of properties in Alsip for sale of rent. If you are looking to expand, rent, relocate, downsize or sell your property, call the chamber, we can help.

Chamber Networking Activates and Workshops – The Alsip Chamber of Commerce offers a number of workshops, lunches and business after hours for opportunities to meet and network with other Alsip and surrounding area businesses. The date, time & topic of each evet will be mailed to you prior to each event. It will also be listed on this website as well. Many events are free to members or at a reduced cost.

The Alsip Scholarship Programis open to residents of Alsip, and to immediate family members of Alsip Chamber of Commerce or Alsip Industrial Association Members, for full time post high school education.

Member to Member Discounts, several businesses offer discounts to other Chamber members – These offers include office supplies, insurance, hotel stays, car washes, and others. These change from time to time. Your Chamber membership card is all you need to redeem your discount. A current membership card is mailed to you each year when your dues are paid. If you want to offer other members a discount, contact the Chamber