Locally owned businesses return almost 80% of each dollar spent back to Alsip. They pay local taxes, employ local people and buy from other local businesses.
The economic impact of shopping locally is about 3.5 times greater than shopping elsewhere. Surveys show that for every $100.00 spent locally, $ 45.00 stays here, so shopping locally literally means “The Buck Stops Here”.
Local businesses support local activities and fundraisers. Local businesses are the biggest contributor to local events. So remember them not only when you are looking for a donation, but when you have $$ to spend.
Local businesses value their reputation; the owner is usually available and knows that satisfied customers are the lifeblood of their business.
1 3/4 cents on every dollar spent in Alsip goes back to the Village to help fund local police, fire, roads, water and local government services. Local real estate taxes support the schools, library, park and the Village.
So every dollar you spend elsewhere pays for those things in another community, not Alsip.
New businesses want to locate in towns where residents shop locally and where other businesses are successful.
You can get your hair cut, nails done, get a massage, get your taxes prepared, play a round of golf, rent a moving truck, put gas in your car, buy a new or used car, get your car washed or repaired, rent a movie, apply for a mortgage, hold a wedding/shower/meeting, open a checking account, ship a package, get copies and printing, get your teeth checked and visit a doctor.
You can buy liquor, hardware, prescriptions, outdoor furniture, pool supplies, holiday decorations, cards, gifts, groceries, books, appliances, furniture, insurance, signs, office supplies, and find great food from donuts to dinner.
Each time you make a purchase, you are voting to help that business survive. Where do you want to put your votes? Do you want to put them in Alsip, or do you want to vote for someone else and support them and their community???