Email Communication Program

Alsip Chamber Launches Email Communication Program!
Beginning in April, the Alsip Chamber will begin an exciting new program to keep you involved, informed, and in the loop! Twice a month, you’ll receive valuable business information delivered right to your email box!
We’ll keep you up to speed on everything the Chamber is doing, and offer items of special interest to our business community. We’ll include calendar events, promotions, projects and programs, special offers and insight on business related issues.
Top 5 Reasons to get on this list
5. Chamber Event Notices & Reminders
4. Alsip Business News
3. General Business News
2. Knowledge of what your business neighbors are doing
1. Cost effective Marketing Opportunities
To ensure receipt of this valuable communication, make sure the Alsip Chamber has your email address; sign up on our website, We follow best practices for permission based email communication. We do not sell or share email addresses.
Harness the Power of Collective Marketing!
Collective Marketing opportunities are available for Members, and can save hundreds of dollars! Billing is monthly in advance, payable to The Alsip Chamber of Commerce. Currently there are two emails scheduled each month. Advertisements are for one calendar month.
Take advantage of the opportunity to market your products or services to other local business people and support the Chamber at the same time!
Ad Rates:
Member of the Month–2 paragraphs of text/ business bio including logo or photo $125/mo
Header Logo –Logo banner across top of newsletter, links to website $100/mo
Ad– 5 lines of text, can include logo or photo $75/mo
Logo Link– Logo or photo links to website $50/mo
Text Link–Line of text (usually company name) links to website $25/mo
Questions?? Email the Chamber at i[email protected]